Clean water for Sri Lanka

»Nothing lasts, everything is impermanent. Like these flowers fade, our life will fade.«
That's the meaning of the prayer in the beginning.

This project was initiated, produced and supported by creative agency feedback communication from Nuremberg.

I always took clean water for granted. But in Sri Lanka only 30% of the people have access to good drinking water. More than 20,000 people have died of chronic kidney disease over the last 20 years. Up to 400,000 suffer from the disease. One of the reasons are agrochemicals which poison the groundwater. We visited the opening ceremony of a new water plant in the small village Minneriya. This will supply a school of 800 students and 1.500 villagers with 10.000 liters per day.

The PINA Organisation helps people obtain access to clean drinking water.

Find out more about PINA Organisation
and support the the construction of the next water plant by making a donation here:

Produced and supported by feedback communication

Buddhism is not a religion. It’s a philosophy.
— unknown